These days – you can create your own template-limited website with drag-and-drop applications even if you do not know a single thing about mark-up and programming languages. However, that also means that if you go looking for a professional web developer to create you an actual website that functionally meets your website needs – chances are high that you will have to go through so many drag-and-drop ‘web developers’ before you meet the real web developer you need to build you something that you won’t regret sooner than soon. So how do you know where to find a real developer and what to look for in a developer to make sure you get real value for your money?
#1. Be clear about what you expect your website to achieve
As the wise folk said – if you stand for nothing, you fall for anything. Because a real web developer has the necessary expertise required to develop each project based on the uniqueness of the client’s expectations – the more clear you are about your expectations is the more clear you get about what you exactly need to be developed by the person you hire. You might have tried to use one of the many drag-and-drop applications such as Wix or Wordpress to create your website only to realize that there were many things that you could not achieve with these readymade templates, and that was how you got clear about what you exactly needed a developer to build for you. In simple terms, understanding what you need for your website will equip you to ask the right questions while finding the fitting professionals to deliver satisfactory results.
#2. Ask the right questions
The more you know about something – the more the right questions you can ask about that something. That is to say that the less you know about websites, the less likely you are to ask the right questions – and that means you might end up hiring someone who knows just enough to exploit your blindside to websites. Before hiring someone to create your website, it helps greatly when you interview them about how they are going to create your website and other long term concerns such as the site’s maintenance. Ask about security especially when your website includes a database and also make sure you are in total control of who you allow access to your website’s back-end. When asking about the cost – be sure to be in the light about your domain and hosting charges as rogue ‘developers’ tend to mislead clients about these charges for exploitation purposes.
#3. Consult a professional
All roads lead back to the power of information – and the internet is a great place to search for invaluable information on any topic of interest. Where possible – you can also consult the people you know in the IT industry and they might even happen to point you in the right direction depending on how well committed they are about the success of your project. In my capacity as an expert in matters web development; consider me among the reliable sources you might turn to for consultation when looking for a web developer and it will certainly be worth your while whether you choose to hire my services or otherwise.